From $100k in debt to 7-figures with Angie Lee


Angie Lee is one of my dear friends and such a powerful woman. You're going to love this interview because she shares how she went from $100k in debt to build a 7-figure business on social media!

Angie Lee is your hilarious + wicked smart business bestie you've always wanted. Allergic to pants & Cubicles? You're in the right place! A breath of fresh air in a market that oozes generic boring content. Warning; You will laugh your ass off, be inspired as hell to makeup with fear & make your bank account not suck. $100k in debt to 7 figures under 30, Angie is an entrepreneurial ninja. Her passion is helping women breakthrough in their business + leave their sucky 9-5 cubicle job. Her approach? No bullshit business + money advice for female entrepreneurs who don't have time for boring. This show is a must listen for any boss babes, or boss babes to be.

Visit Angie's Rich Bitch Podcast

Connect with Angie on Facebook:

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See you in the community spirit homie!

Much Love,

Ryan Yokome

Breakthrough Coaching

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my assistant Brandi at [email protected]