Waiting well is not something that comes easy, and certainly not to a fast-paced yogi like Rose. She used to be the epitome of "I-Want-What-I-Want-When-I-Want-It"... and heaven help anyone who got in her way. But yoga helped her discover a few truth bombs, the most important of which is: Timing belongs to God. Not me, not you. God. Rose and Tina share a few stories about turning that switch and practicing the surrender to what God has planned for us. We have another beautiful story from Nikki and her journey of adopting her daughter, Aubrey. Our mantra is from Ariana Huffington: "Life is a dance between making it happen and letting it happen." Our pose is: dancer, and this time we've got a Podcast Party Favor of a curated playlist of songs we think speak to us as we practice the art of "waiting well."