Previous Episode: Enneagrams 4, 5 & 6

We're rounding out our final three enneagram personalities and we chat about those "party people" 7s, those challenging 8s and the peace-keeping 9s who we all need a little of in our lives.  
#7 - the Enthusiast. Extroverted, optimistic, versatile and spontaneous. Ready for a party? They are!
#8 - the Challenger. Self-confident, strong and assertive. They're protective and decisive but crave control. We need them and they drive us crazy too.
#9 - the Mediator. Accepting, trusting, stable. they're usually creative, optimistic and will go far (sometimes too far) to keep the peace.

Take a deep dive and learn more about these personalities in your life. Visit our website to download a more detailed explanation of each: