Previous Episode: Return to "Normal"

There have been SO many changes in our lives in the recent weeks. We can't help but recognize this new age we're all living in.  It is clear that we're all experiencing different levels of discord and even chaos. Sometimes, we even share our anxieties and fears with others in a way that robs them of their peace. So, what does a yogi need to get through this time? How about we start giving each other (and ourselves!) a little space and grace. Rose offers up a challenge for each yogi to disconnect from all that anxiety and angst and do some Shambala Yoga, a "Walking Meditation".  When you walk quietly in nature with your own thoughts, your own soul, you'll be surprised at the peace you'll experience.  Never done a walking meditation before? Go to and download a sample pdf. Since Rose is KNOWN for her choice in music, you'll want to check out this link to her favorite song to use during a walking meditation, from Trevor Hall. It's called "Walk Quietly" and we hope it'll open your heart and soul when you find yourself needing some church of mother nature.