In this episode I talk about:

-       The common mistakes Spiritualists make when speaking about their gifts and beliefs

-       The power of language and the frequency it holds (research Dr. Emoto – water experiments)

-       How we de-value, undermine and strip away our power by using filler words or trying to make other people comfortable


Anastasia Burtnick is an Intuitive Life Coach, Energy Healer and developing Psychic Medium who specializes in helping you get out of your own way, heal pain/dis-ease and traumas and create a connected, meaningful life.

Anastasia has experienced a lot of pain and trauma in her life and has used these hardships as lessons to help her heal and grow. She learned how to heal her body and get out of her own way and is now living a life full of purpose and connection. 

Anastasia’s clients see their bodies and minds heal, their hearts open, their visions come to life and their reality shift to a life filled with self worth, joy, wellness, abundance and purpose. 


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I love you all!