For many of us, 2020 has been one big fat disappointment, filled with loss, cancelations, and grief. But if we take this mantra and use it wisely, it will serve us.

I’m sure you’ve seen this from many teachers, “what you place your attention on expands.” This has been on my mind recently as I personally prepare for the new year and get ready for my virtual intention setting workshop on December 20th.

Take a moment to think about where you’re spending your energy? You thoughts? Your actions? Your worries?

Professionally, my business has gone in the toilet. If you personally know me or have taken my yoga classes, or events, you know, I’m no longer teaching in person. This has been a big blow to me because I love our community and really thrive connecting in person. It’s also been a big hit financially. All of my events and yoga retreats have been canceled except 2.

But If I only focused on that, I would be in big trouble. I would see this as a sign to quit, instead of pausing, getting still to hear the whisper of my soul of where to go next.

What you focus on expands.

Thankfully, one of my life goals is to have freedom and flexibility of time and place while still making an impact and connecting. I’ve been designing this life since the end of 2018 starting with creating this podcast and then launching Soul School earlier this year.

What if you could shift your perspective to see 2020 not as one big fat cancelation or loss, but as opportunities to pivot? To find clarity of what’s most important? What needs to be cleared out and composted?

A course in miracles: a miracle is a shift in perspective.

Another smaller example of this happened last month. I’ve tried to hike to colchuck lake twice – once when I was pregnant with hunter and again when she was a baby.

I’ve gained an extra 10 pounds from the quarantine, and never really got myself back in shape, and then I got pregnant. I’ve been hard on myself and disappointed that I didn’t get in healthier shape prior to this pregnancy. So, I haven’t moved my body or got to explore like I’ve wanted.

I’ve only hiked once this year, and it was a big one – I finally made it all the way to colchuck lake. It  took me 8.5 hours to hike 8 miles with 17 pee breaks in the woods, and I had to finish the last hour in the dark by myself, hobbling. Kind of sounds miserable, but I felt so empowered after.

The hike was very slow and painful. 

What you place your energy on expands. If I only placed it on how bad of shape I’m in or that I only got to hike once, this would expand my negative thinking.

I posted a photo of our hike to my instagram, and it reminds me that we can do hard things. We already have.

Even though 2020 brought much disappointment and loss, there’s still so much to be grateful for. 

Instead of placing your attention on what hasn’t or isn’t working, place it on an areas in your life you want to expand.

what are you appreciating?

What have you learned? Why is this important?

Where do you want to put your energy to match up with how you want to feel and what you desire?

You only have so much time and energy. Use it wisely. Use it to expand yourself rather than deplete yourself. you’re worth it.

If you want to dive deeper, join me on December 20th for a virtual workshop or soulful yoga, meditation and deeper inquiry to design your 2021 desired dreams and how you want to feel. This will be powerful and potent time for you to release what’s not serving you and call in and manifest your intentions for the new year. If you’re unable to make it, you’ll be able to receive a recording after. The investment is just $35. Reserve your spot at

Also, sign up for my newsletter to stay in the know. I have my new goddess mama birth course launching in January and Self Love Lab, my 4 week online program begins in February to help you live your life with more confidence, joy and clarity.