A few weeks ago, I had the honor of speaking on a panel with 11 other incredible women at a business event sponsored by SAP Concur in honor of national small business week. We spoke about how to build and support your small business and yourself.

There was a point when I was on stage and I had a holy sh!t moment ... like pinch me!!...am I really here speaking in front of 170 people? This has been a dream of mine, but I am a VERY shy and introverted person, and honestly never thought it would happen for me UNTIL I did something BIG…like write a book…got more followers… was on a ted talk or something – basically I thought it wouldn’t happen until I became something other than who I am right now.

Guess what, you don’t have to do something really big to start following your dreams. You don’t have to become something other than who you are now. There’s NOTHING TO WAIT FOR. Everything you need is right here. It’s YOU who people want to hear from. It’s YOUR gifts that are unlike any other.

But our #ittybittyshittycommittee is a funny thing. It convinces us of what we need to do or be something else in order to reach our dreams. It terminates our momentum before we even take a step.

What is holding you back??

Take a messy step into the unknown and take action towards your dream. It can happen! Can you believe it’s already June?? Don’t let your 2019 goals to become your 2020 goals.

Small actions combined with consistent actions lead you a step closer to your goals and dreams. Then you can quiet your inner critic because you feel more confident, knowledgeable and are closer to your dreams.

One small step. That’s it. What’s your step you are committing to today, tomorrow and for the rest of this week?

What is your dream?  PLEASE share it with me on instagram and my blog. I love hearing from you. I’m in full support of you!