Do you ever have those days where self-doubt just seems to sneak in and rain on your parade? Yup, me too.


In my book on how to quiet our Itty-Bitty-Shitty-Committee, I share about The Four Horsemen: Comparison, Self-Doubt, Perfectionism, and Judgment that slays our self-worth.


Personally, I've gone through a lot of transition over the past 3 years and have struggled a lot with the Four Horsemen that slays our self-worth.


Each week this month, I share how we can befriend each of these horsemen and ways to choose to align with our True abundant Self.

After having my second child during the pandemic, plus moving an hour away from the city and giving up my thriving Seattle yoga classes, not getting to travel for my yoga retreats, and also shifting my career and launching my Soul School coaching program, I was in a big liminal season of letting go of who I once knew to move into the unknown of who I yearned to be.


But those 3 years rocked my identity and confidence in myself.

The world seemed so fast and overwhelming.

Because I had taken a hiatus from coaching and teaching for a few years, I lost my sense of who I was and trust in myself, and I constantly doubted myself and my gifts.


But slowly, I’m coming home to myself and to my inner knowing…it’s through the practice of slowing down, meditating to practice being present and using these little mindfulness tools that I teach each week.


If you too struggle with self-doubt, here are 3 easy ways to help silence the itty-bitty-shitty-committee and reclaim your confidence:

Negative Mantra Breakthrough: When self-doubt creeps in, try this negative mantra: "I don't do self-sabotage." It halts the negative spiraling and is like a gentle reminder to yourself that you're stronger than those doubts. Appreciation: Take a moment to reflect on your past achievements. Go back 1 year, then 5 years and 10 years. Let those memories of your unique gifts wrap around you like a warm hug, reminding you of your worth and strength. Positive Affirmation Boost: Each time you feel unsure, repeat the mantra: "When I align with my true nature, I am infinite possibilities." Let this mantra remind you that you are enough and guide you towards embracing your inner power and potential.


If you're curious to learn more, check out my latest podcast episode: "Slaying Self-Doubt."


Have you listened to my podcast yet? It’s like a cozy chat with a soulful friend, packed with mindfulness tips and affirmations to help us both find some inner calm and joy.


Remember, you're stronger than you think, and you're never alone on this path to self-discovery. I’m right there with you holding your hand and heart for deeper Self-love.


And if you want to dive in deeper, I’m here to personally help you with my Self-love coaching.


In gratitude, Audrey