Hi there!

I hope you had a wonderful summer and are feeling rested and renewed. I know I am! 

It’s so good to be back with you! This season, I’m sharing excerpts from my book: How to quiet the Itty-Bitty-Shitty-Committee coming out in 2024. This is vulnerable for me to share, but I truly hope each week’s intention, lesson or meditation helps you on your journey to know and love yourself.

**  If this is helpful and speak to your heart, please do me a favor and let me know – a quick DM on instagram, email me on audreysuttonmills.com  and you can help me so much by rating, review and share this podcast.


Today’s podcast is about quieting our inner critic, that negative voice that pulls us down an emotional elevator into believing in scarcity that we’re not good enough and we don’t have enough. 

You’re in alignment with your Itty-Bitty-Shitty-Committee whenever you feel inferior or superior to someone or something.

Today we’ll explore 3 ways to quiet the inner critic:

1.     Notice when you start to buy into it’s limiting beliefs and negative dialogue. When you’re in consciousness, you’re in choice and can choose a new way of talking to yourself.

2.      Question the IBSC. Ask– is this really true about me? Or is this a learned behavior or a conditioned pattern? 

3.     Create a negative mantra to halt spiraling into limiting beliefs and patterns.

This week’s invitation is to be mindful of how you talk to yourself, and use the mindfulness tools to notice your inner dialogue, question it and use the negative mantra to choose a new belief to serve you.

Each time you recognize a familiar destructive pattern and choose instead to be kinder towards yourself, you rewire any limiting beliefs and shift your patterns.

I hope this has been helpful and I can’t wait to hear how these doable tools are helping you know and love yourself.

Remember, friend ,you are enough and you matter!

