EP 005 - Mantra Monday: Peace begins with me


Welcome to Mantra Monday where we start your week off with an intention, a quote or just a little thought in 5 minutes of less to inspire your day and week. Today’s mantra is Peace Begins with ME.

Most of the time, we are unconsciously reacting to circumstances, to people, to our own emotions and feelings. Think about a time when you were triggered…maybe your day started out poorly already and when this one person said or did something, it sent you into a spiral downward either towards anger, sadness, judgment. How did you feel? Sometimes these feelings stay with you, and may even cause you to lash back or bring this heavy, negative energy with you, effecting other people and affecting the rest of your day. This happens all the time.

You will expend your energy somewhere. You are not a victim. So why not take back your power and consciously choose where to give your energy.

You cannot choose the circumstance, or how a person triggers you, or what someone else does or says, or even your thoughts and feelings which come and go constantly. But you can choose to pause, breathe, and create space to view and witness what is going on and what shows up, so that you can then choose your next behavior.


Instead of letting the heavy and edgy sensations take control over you, you can feel and watch these sensations, breath through them and know that peace begins with you. Instead of immediately and unconsciously reacting, you can consciously respond.


Take a big breath, and on your exhale, say out loud or silently “Peace Begins with ME.” Repeat this as many times until you feel a little calmer and more centered. It’s not easy to do. This does not happen overnight. This is a practice not a destination. It takes practice over and over, until it gets a little easier and someday will become a habit.

Joy is not the absence of suffering, the absence of challenges, or the absence of anything else. Living with joy means that we develop a sense of inner well-being that allows us to embrace whatever the present moment offers. The joy of living is to live with confidence, lightness, and humor, with the knowledge that all our thoughts and emotions are nothing more than ripples on the surface of awareness.

Have the life you want by being present to the life you have.


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