The Ego loves to point the finger, blame others, throw a pity-party and keep you stuck in victimhood and scarcity.

You’re in a continual struggle of tug-of-war with others, with yourself and with Life when you align with the Ego and itty-bitty-shitty-committee.

Today’s intention is to focus on step 2, which is claiming your responsibility of your thoughts and actions.

Once you’re aware of your inner critic and emotions and have named them, now your work is to choose how you want to respond to them.

Owning your beliefs, your reactions and how you show up for life will empower you, not hinder you. 

By letting go of the rope and releasing resentment and judgment of others, this sets you free to creative possibilities that awaits you.

Email me or share with me on instagram a time this week where you noticed, paused and chose a new thought or action that served you.

If you’re interesting in going deeper into this work, sign up for the waitlist for my Soul School program on my websiteyoutube channel or instagram.

I’m so grateful you’re part of this soul school community!

Thank you in advance for rating, subscribing and sharing this podcast so others can find this content.

Remember you are enough and you matter. All of the answers lie within you!

