EP 15: Turning Pain into Purpose with Jenn Hepton

Today’s soulful conversation is with Jenn Hepton, a Certified Grief Support Coach, Life + Wellness Coach, Speaker, Author, and Educator. She coaches ​womxn who want to make sense of their lives after loss and who are tired of hiding their voices and feeling powerless in their grief. She works with them to navigate through the darkness, find a place of expansion, and purpose.

I don’t believe there are accidental meetings. We have soul contracts with each other for lessons that need to be learned and gifts to share with each other. The day I had this conversation with grief coach, Jenn Hepton, was also the day my father passed away. I didn’t know my dad would pass away later that evening. I truly believe the Universe/God/Source/angels sent me Jenn on that specific day as a gift, in preparation of my loss, to hear her sage advice of how to deal with grief, patch up a broken heart and learn how to heal with grace.

This is a heart-wrenching episode. Some people won’t want to hear about loss and will skip this. I get it. We live in a world that doesn’t deal well with pain and loss, maybe because we don’t want to see or feel suffering, or we just don’t know HOW to deal with grief. But as I learned from Jenn, that when we acknowledge pain and hold space to feel our feelings, even the radical acceptance that it is okay not to be okay, we can then heal ourselves and support those who need healing too.

Experiencing 7 pregnancy losses with the loss of her twins at 22 weeks and her daughter Loey at 39 weeks, Jenn’s massive grief lead her to a place in her soul that needed to heal, a place that she didn’t know existed and a deep healing and craving to live a meaningful life. She shares her PTG (post traumatic growth) story of how she turned her pain into serving others.

Jenn is truly a gift. She is my soul sister who has helped me deal with the loss of my father by holding a nurturing and loving space so I can begin putting together my broken pieces of my heart.

Soul Seekers, I hope you find some solace, wisdom and even some peace in our conversation today with this warrior healer, Jenn Hepton as she shares how she turned her pain into purpose on Soul School.

Find Jenn Hepton at: https://www.lossintransition.com