What happens when your mind won't let you get back in flow? When it's getting something from keeping you stuck in force; in flow; in pushing? Here's how you can calm your mind and get back in flow, one breath at a time. It's a wonderful sixty second meditation and mindfulness technique that is great, whenever you feel your mind racing and you want to let go and flow - but your Monkey Mind won't let you! show notes here)
Today's quote: "A cluttered mind has no space for inspiration."
Today's affirmation: I can calm my mind, one breath at a time.
Today's intention: Play with this sama vritti technique and notice the difference it makes for you!
Resources: page 269 of Dare to Dream Bigger.
52 Mindful Moments - how to go from stressed to smiling in under sixty seconds.
28 Day Meditation Challenge - how to change your life in ten minutes a day - easily.