Do you ever get fed up with your Passionate World Changer journey feeling like hard work? Do you secretly hate the hustle?

Do you ever end up secretly resenting your Passionate World Changer journey because it feels full of stress and overwhelm? But you're not getting the results you had been dreaming of?

Here's my personal 3-word mantra that can take your business back to being fun again - and help you get better results, for less effort, more quickly.

[smart_track_player url="" title="Secretly Hate The Hustle? Here's My 3-Word Mantra To Make Your Business Fun Again!?" social_linkedin="true" tweet_text="Secretly Hate The Hustle? Here's My 3-Word Mantra To Make Your Business Fun Again!" hashtag="entrepreneur #daretodreambigger" twitter_username="clare_josa" ]



I'm going to be covering this topic in more detail in July's live Q&A call for Dare to Dream Bigger readers. To get your invitation, join the readers' club - see the link on page 9 of Dare to Dream Bigger.
Not got your copy yet? Buy it here:


Hate The Hustle? Let Dare To Dream Bigger Help
Here are some of the topics we covered in this episode, with 'how-to' links in your Dare To Dream Bigger handbook:

Riding waves & pulling out tent pegs
Page 106 of Dare to Dream Bigger - or search "Success isn't a straight line" in the Kindle version.
The difference between 'busyness' and 'inspired action' - and why it's a vital thing for you to build into your Passionate World Changer journey.
Page 262 of Dare to Dream Bigger - or search " 'Inspired Action': What It Is - And Isn't"
Just because the door looks closed...
Page 297 of Dare to Dream Bigger - or search "the door looks closed" in the Kindle version.

Page numbers refer to the hardback print edition. If you have the Kindle version, search for the titles in the list above to find the sections.

Not got your copy yet? Order it today:

Hate the hustle? What could you do to shift from forcing to flowing?
When you've gone through the questions towards the end of the episode, I'd love to hear what action you're going to take - in the next 24 hours! Want some support and accountability? How about letting me know, via the comments? I'd love to get to be your virtual cheerleader.

With love and gratitude,

Clare Josa, Author | Speaker | Mentor To Passionate World-Changers
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