This week we're celebrating our inner critics - even if that sounds crazy! It's that voice on your shoulder, that negative self-talk that gets in the way when we secretly want to step up to the next level.

And so in this week's podcast we're diving in, in more detail, to find out how your inner critic could be damaging your business and practical quick fixes you can get started on today:

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And when you’ve listened to this episode, I’d love to hear from you – via the comments:

What action are you going to take in the next hour, to start taming your inner critic?
Which of these 5 issues resonates most for you?
And how has your inner critic been affecting your business results - and the experience of your customers?

Today's Show Notes:

Hundreds of entrepreneurs have already discovered how to handle their inner critic with my 5 part video training: 5 Simple Steps To Taming Your Inner Critic: 5 Simple Steps To Tame Your Inner Critic
Bonus article: Is your Monkey Mind Telling You The Truth About Stress?

Podcast: How Can You Spot If Your Inner Critic Is Secretly Sabotaging Your Business? #entrepreneur #startup #DTDB
— Clare Josa (@clare_josa) February 22, 2016

Did your #InnerCritic get in the way of your #business yet today? Here are 3 ways to stop it sabotaging your success

— Clare Josa (@clare_josa) February 29, 2016

I'll be back next week, when we'll be talking about how you need to forget the 80/20 rule and focus on the 1% rule, instead, if you want to grow your business.

Make sure you've subscribed via iTunes, if you want to make sure you get a quick reminder once the episode is live. And you can get my free newsletter by registering below.

See you there!

With love, Namaste,

Clare x

Mentor To Passionate World-Changers, Author Of The Dare To Dream Bigger Entrepreneur’s Handbook

P.S. Are you an Academy member yet? Rates go up in just a few days. Here’s where to grab your lowest-price-ever membership – for life:
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Prefer the transcript? Here you are!

Hello, and welcome to this week's Dare To Dream Bigger business podcast with me, your host, Clare Josa, mentor to passionate world-changers.


This week we're celebrating our inner critics. Yay! You know that voice on your shoulder, that negative thinking when we get into that self-talk that makes us feel miserable. Well, this week loads of us are getting together to do my inner critic kick-start program, which is completely free. You can find it at It's a five-part video training and to celebrate because we're going to be setting ourselves free from our inner critics and their hold on our businesses. Today's podcast is about your inner critic too, so you can benefit from it whether or not you want to join me for this free video training.


I'm curious. Is your inner critic secretly stalling your business? How can you spot it? What is an inner critic anyway?


We all know that feeling. You're totally fired up. You're about to start doing something really important. You know it's a bit of a comfort zone stretch. It might be a new opportunity in your business. It might be a new product line. It might be a different customer base.


There's a little voice in your head that starts talking. It's telling you all the reasons why you won't be any good at it and how you're never good at anything anyway, and you're not ready. Maybe the timing is not right, and we should just leave this for now. It doesn't really matter. We can just put it off for a bit.


You know you believe it because it's told you it often enough over the years.