Do you ever feel scared about speaking your Truth in your business? Do you worry about how people might react? Do you secretly feel scared of rejection - or worse - if you let people see the 'real you' and what you really think? Does that stop you from stepping up and playing bigger in your business?

In this episode of the Dare To Dream Bigger business podcast I'm sharing insights and insider secrets from over a decade as an NLP Trainer and entrepreneur, having been there, done it and got all of the t-shirts on overcoming those fears (and making mistakes!). Plus you'll get my personal 3-step strategy for turning that fear into compassion, clarity and confidence, so you can inspire those who resonate with your message to join you and take action.

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And when you’ve listened to this episode, I’d love to hear from you – via the comments:

What action are you going to take?
How could you work with the 3-step strategy to turn fear and worry into compassion, clarity and confidence, when communicating your message?
And how might you act differently in your business, if you felt confident in your Big Idea and no longer felt scared of how people might react to you speaking your Truth?

And click here for the fear-releasing meditation I mentioned in today's episode.

And have you got your free place on next week's 5 Steps To Taming Your Inner Critic video training yet? It can make a massive difference, when you need to feel confident in your message.
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Don't change who you are, just to keep your customers - or competitors - happy. #entrepreneur #startup #DTDB
— Clare Josa (@clare_josa) February 16, 2016

Your Big Message is too important to let fear get in the way. 3-step strategy to set yourself free #entrepreneur — Clare Josa (@clare_josa) February 16, 2016

With love, Namaste,

Clare x

Mentor To Passionate World-Changers, Author Of The Dare To Dream Bigger Entrepreneur’s Handbook

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Hello, and welcome to this week's episode of the Dare To Dream Bigger business podcast with Clare Josa, mentor to passionate world-changers and your host today.


Now, I want to talk to you about something that's a really big issue for entrepreneurs, but which most of us are not talking about. We feel secretly scared about speaking our truth in our business. You see this coming up in so many ways. Maybe we're not quite edgy enough in the articles we're writing. Maybe we stand up on stage and we tone down our message so we won't upset the audience. Maybe it's something about us not really stepping into those future soul shoes, and we keep playing small when we're secretly dreaming about making a bigger difference in the world.


Another way I see this come up time and again is with people wanting to be generalists. They want to have everybody in their target market, and they are terrified of saying, "Actually, I specialize in working with these people." Why is it? We have a natural human need to be loved, accepted, and liked. I totally get it. I feel it with you. We've all been there.


Sometimes when we stand totally authentically, living and breathing our big message, our big idea, our big vision, our big why, the difference we are here to make, there will be people out there who don't like it. Now, they might not like it because your message might not resonate with them or, as I find happens all too often, they might not like it because they secretly know that they're not being authentic, they're not standing in their big soul shoes,