Are you looking for guidance and insight?  Are you ready to see what is coming up for you?  Are you ready for a shift?  Sam and Erin will be taking callers for intuitive readings and insight!  Callers will be chosen randomly.  

Sam Black is an International Psychic Medium, Master Coach and Teacher with a passion for helping others on their healing journey!  With over 25 years sharing messages and readings, Sam has received high praise for ability to offer accuracy and evidence!  Sam has helped hundreds of people become in better alignment with their path and learn to trust their intuition!  Sam believes that everyone has a unique light to shine and helps others to discover their gifts and the confidence to allow it to shine to the world!  Sam is also the creator of Consciously Creating with Sam, programs to help women make the most out of the life and/or business they dream about creating!

Erin Prewitt is an Intuitive Life Coach with over 15 years experience in consulting and coaching. Erin blends her unique approach of pulling from her intuition along with utilizing her experiences in executive coaching and consulting, to help guide those who may be hitting road blocks, who need guidance in their careers, relationships, loss, love or discovering their authentic selves.