I feel like for the longest time, I was really resisting change. On the surface, I may have seemed like I was relaxed, going with the flow and able to adapt, but on the inside I needed to feel in control. I needed to feel like I knew what was coming next and that I had a plan. During this ever-changing time that we’re currently living through, I’ve very drastically felt that all that I was holding onto, was forced to break away. And that has been very uncomfortable.

Yes, change is uncomfortable. Most of us enjoy feeling safe and secure, so when our need for some sense of predictability is threatened, we resist.  What I’m starting to really understand is how inevitable and necessary change really is. We are always in motion. Nothing is really constant and it’s okay to feel a little unsure about what may be to come. I’m not  is a really hard concept to truly accept. Change isn’t the problem.  Our resistance to change is where the discomfort stems from.

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