Are you ok? You look ill! Did you sleep well? Have you forgotten to put make-up on? Or maybe, just maybe, someone else’s appearance is nobody’s business but their own. So why ask? Why care? More importantly, what’s with the 3rd degree? Lay off the questions, geez. 


This week’s episode washes clean the layers of eye shadow, bronzer and foundation in attempt to understand the many uses of cosmetics. For Caine and Tom, the concept couldn’t be more of a mystery. In order to really bring out our minds-eyes, Gemma and Brenna (Two amazing and hardworking humans) are gracing the microphones; sharing insight and their own experiences with make-up socially and professionally.  


And like I said before, hey, people’s outward aesthetic is none of my business. But there no doubt exists a pressure on people (women especially) to conceal themselves and meet “standards”; expectations plastered on billboards, shouted from every movie and magazine that has an audience.


Truly, the whole thing feels icky; a nasty and malicious attack on our insecurities and vulnerabilities as people; people just trying to be accepted.


So as corny as this sounds, the ‘Sorting It Out Podcast’ is here to remind not only ourselves but everyone that we are all beautiful, make-up or none. And that sometimes, asking important questions and caring about the answers involves everyone.