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Next Episode: I Wish

Episode #46: To The Sea  (Song at 8.15)
In each episode, I attempt to give you an insight as to where the featured song came from, what it's about, etc. 
This episode’s song, however, is an elusive fish. It's more about the feeling. It's an 'observation' sort of a lyric, delving into deep archetypal sort of undercurrents that go on between male and female energies. It talks about the dance and dramas that seem to happen to most of us as we find way along in our lives, while keeping an eye out for a potential long term relationship.... 
I guess it's about how things tend to sort of come together naturally if we allow them to. That said, it's a complex business and has been studied - and agonised over - since forever. 
Perhaps I've just caught a feeling, managed to weave that into some lyrics and floated them on a tune without really answering any questions. 
An image that comes to me each time in the third verse is: looking in a window at a brightly lit old inn, somewhere near the sea. It's late in the evening, and there are reflective men in there, perhaps catching their reflections in the window as they cast their thoughts back over the years... 
If all this sounds sort of mysterious, well, it is. And that's the essence of any art. The thing is, if it rings true as you are writing, then it's worth completing because if it's true to you as a composer, it will ring true to the listener. 
See if this song stirs any feelings for you (It starts at 8min 15seconds in).
Before and after the song rolls, in amongst the serious business of analysing a craft, I talk about the week I'm having, some of the things that are going on. Plus there's a memory here of a gig I played in a restaurant where some bread rolls became airborne... All good fun. It's great to be able to relate some of these funny things that have happened to me on gigs and otherwise. 