Previous Episode: To The Sea
Next Episode: In My Own Time

Episode #47: I Wish  (Song at 5.44)
If you had one thing you could wish for, what would it be?
There are people that come into your life, sometimes very briefly, who just seem to have the words to say that are exactly what you need to hear at that time of your life.
It's a knack these people have. They are generally great listeners. They don't say much, but what they do say is worth listening to. 
I think they are generally very empathetic people, they keep an eye open where they can help out quietly, without making a song and dance about it. 
Years a ago, I met a bloke briefly at a restaurant where I was the piano man. At the end of the evening, he waved me over to his table and we had a great conversation. 
I think he could tell I was driven, passionate and finding my way as a young fella. 
At the concierge, he left me a list of books he'd read and enjoyed, with some comments. But that evening, he looked me straight in the eye and said " If there was one thing in the world you could wish for, what would it be?”
I went back to my hotel room and wrote this song, based on his words. 
Looking back, I think he was giving me a gentle nudge to keep me on track, to support me as I followed my dream of being a songwriter and performer. 
I'm still on that path today. 
Today was a great day, peaceful, and beautiful by the water. I painted a picture of the pier at Mornington - you can see it on this week's post my blog -lots of art and music on this blog - and you can find the lyrics to 'I Wish' at the end of the blog post. Each week I put the lyrics to the podcast song of the week on my blog post.
So if you like reading along, maybe open up the blog before you start listening and read along once I start singing. You could also follow my blog! Or sign up to my email list - I'd love that - write to me at [email protected]
What would I wish for? Tune in and find out....enjoy!