Why Wait for "Something....came from Baltimore" to air in March when the Camilla A. Rose interview is ready now. Listen to Cameron, an amazing young "baby-fresh" talented "Drag Queen" based out of Baltimore, who developed her persona of Camilla A. Rose and is finally headlining her first show. Cameron is finding out that he loves the character so much that he may transition into Camilla for good. Follow Camilla A. Rose rise to fame now, as she develops her craft and becomes a future “Drag Race Superstar”.
Listen – if you read this far, could you please subscribe to the show? I need 100 subscribers to make the show available on the search engine, then the show would be available world-wide. You would like that right.
Watch for the show debuting in March on Hartford Community College, Sunday’s at 6PM. And, the full shows will be available as a Podcast soon.