Previous Episode: How to fill your cup
Next Episode: How to set intentions

Today's episode, "Start Where You Are," dives into the power of beginning anew, addressing challenges, and embracing the principles that guide your path.

Dianne reflects on the concept of starting where you are and using what you have to create your heart's desire. She shares personal experiences and challenges that many gifted and sensitive individuals face in a world that often demands instant gratification. The episode touches on various topics, including the impact of comparison, the challenges of delayed gratification, and the importance of aligning thoughts, words, and actions with higher principles.

Key Points:

Start Where You Are: Embrace the idea that every moment is an opportunity to begin anew. Dianne shares her mantra of starting where you are and using what you have to create your heart's desire.

No Competition: Recognize that there is no competition in being yourself. Embrace your unique qualities and talents without comparing yourself to others.

Challenges and Solutions: Dianne discusses challenges such as delayed gratification, shame and pride, pursuing ideas not aligned with your heart's desire, and the reluctance to receive your good. Solutions involve self-awareness, inner alignment, and being willing to receive the rewards of your efforts.

The Power of Commitment: Dianne emphasizes the universe's assistance when you commit to a decision. Making a commitment sends energy into the universe, paving the way for support and alignment with your goals.

Clearing the Path: Just as clearing out a junk drawer makes room for new items, clearing out old beliefs, behaviors, and relationships is essential for new and positive experiences.

Receiving Your Good: Learn to receive compliments, acknowledge your achievements, and step into your agency. Allow yourself to embrace the good that comes from starting where you are and following your inner heart.

You have a vision inside to create something bigger than you. What you need is a community and a mentor. Personal mentoring will inspire you to grow, transform, and connect in new ways. The Someone Gets Me Experience could be that perfect solution to bringing your heart's desire into reality. You will grow, transform, and connect.

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