In this episode, Diane delves into the prevalent issue of anger in our society and explores the underlying causes and potential solutions. She emphasizes the importance of addressing these issues not only for gifted and sensitive individuals but for everyone, regardless of age. Diane believes that by understanding and working on these factors, we can collectively contribute to a less angry and hostile society.

First factor: Delayed grief and its impact on anger. 

Second factor: Escalating violence and the role of social media in fostering disconnection and faceless insults .

Third factor: The constant rush and pressure to strive for more, leading to toxic success. 

Fourth factor: Shame and its impact on conflict resolution and emotional well-being. 

Fifth factor: Intergenerational transmission of pain and trauma.

Thank you for joining Diane in this thought-provoking episode on anger in society. By recognizing and addressing the five key factors contributing to societal anger, we can begin to foster healing, compassion, and understanding. Remember, the journey starts within ourselves, and together, we can create a more harmonious and peaceful world. 


How to Connect with Dianne A. Allen

You have a vision inside to create something bigger than you. What you need is a community and a mentor. The 6-month Visionary Leader Program will move you forward. You will grow, transform and connect.

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