Let Go of the Story with Conner Kees

“I'm an intuitive mentor for visionary leaders.” — Dianne A. Allen (18:00-18:02)

This pandemic that we’re all going through right now is a constant reminder that we’re all in this process of rediscovering what’s important to us and remaking ourselves. Those who are dedicated to that higher consciousness takes a lot of guts, faith, and trust. 

In this week’s episode, you’ll learn about:

Letting go of the story with Conner Kees

About Conner Kees:

Masters in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine - Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine, 2018
BS in Health Science - Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine, 2018
Certified Herbalist - Botanologos School of Herbal Studies, 2015
Certified Permaculturist - Oregon State University, 2014
BS in Psychology - Columbus State University, Top 5% on Nation Exit Exam, 2013

Part One of ‘Let Go of the Story with Conner Kees’

Conner Kees wasn’t much of an athlete growing up, so he decided to explore and experience herbalism. Along the way, through his connections in the health food industry, he became a certified Western herbalist, a member of the American Herbalist Guild. It's an educational organization founded in 1989 as a non-profit to represent the goals and voices of herbalists specializing in the medicinal use of plants. 


“Seek wise counsel from people who are ahead of you.” – Connor Kees (25:57-26:01)


Their primary goal of the American Herbalist Guild is to promote a high level of professionalism and education in the study and practice of therapeutic herbalism. Having realized that the information we find on google isn’t sufficient, he got motivated to become a health care practitioner, to become an acupuncturist. 

Part Two of ‘Let Go of the Story with Conner Kees’

Acupuncture, massage therapist, chiropractor, medical doctor, anybody, therapist, or anybody, if you don't resonate with them, keep on moving. It's highly advisable to find a therapist who does psychosomatic integration. It's an overall evidence-based treatment approach for working with complex trauma and dissociation, that addresses the root causes of trauma-based presentations and fragmentation, and so results in long term recovery.

“Pay attention to who resonates with you.” – Dianne A. Allen (28:43-28:44)

Have the courage to follow the intuition to let go of some of the previous parts of your story. It's so important to help people wake up and move through what's happening in a way that makes sense. Be willing to be free, so you can pursue something higher. 

More Information About Connor Kees

Conner Kees is an acupuncturist, herbalist, intentional healer, and podcaster living in Black Mountain, NC where he owns the holistic healthcare practice Source For Well-Being. His podcast features discussions on alchemy, biophysics, and healing. Conner is also a musician, meditator, and cat dad.


How To Connect With Dianne A. Allen

You have a vision inside to create something bigger than you. What you need is a community and a mentor. The 6-month Visionary Leader Program will move you forward. You will grow, transform, and connect. msdianneallen.com

Join our Facebook Group Someone Gets Me
Follow Dianne on Facebook: Dianne A. Allen
Email: [email protected]
Dianne's Mentoring Services: msdianneallen.com
Website: www.visionsapplied.com0

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