Whether it's relationships, people, habits, or things — there's always the difficulty of letting go and moving on from something that has been a part of you. Change is good, but it can be downright scary. Letting go requires releasing things, opening our hands from life's death grip, and allowing things to flow. 

Join me in this episode of Someone Gets Me ▶️ How to Break the Cycle.

Key points covered in this episode: 

✔️ Everybody desires to break a negative cycle in their life. Multiple people I work with struggle with pain acquired in their personal lives or their families, generation after generation. There are practical things to do to overcome patterns that no longer serve you. 

✔️ The first step is to tell ourselves the truth that we're in a cycle or in a pattern that's not serving us for the highest good. Sometimes that's hard because our ego, that's not our amigo, often wants to make things a certain way to keep things and the status quo going. We tend to keep things moving in complacency or ease and not want to open up Pandora's box. That willingness to go within and tell the absolute truth can be daunting. 

✔️ It takes courage and tremendous guts to make the changes and free ourselves. Suit up, show up, and buckle up because breaking patterns and achieving generational healing are not for the weak of heart. The result is wonderful, but it's not easy. 💜

✔️ Release the story and the identification with the pain.

Be careful how you give control to the words you utter. 🤹‍♀️ Suppose you identify yourself as someone with trauma, domestic violence, addiction, or disease issues. In that case, all those changes you're making are missing the mark because the object of attention is still the problem. 

If I say, "I have cancer or am fighting cancer," it is not shifting or healing the pattern because the object of focus is the same. Breaking the pattern would mean, "I am focused on optimal health." Remember, the body bears the burden and holds on to all the discord inside you. Choose to free the body and make a difference. 

✔️ Look at yourself in the mirror and make a habit of meeting with yourself as your day's most important appointment. Speak blessings into you, utter affirmations and self-love, and see yourself facing the world with more confidence and courage. 


How to Connect with Dianne A. Allen

You have a vision inside to create something bigger than you. What you need is a community and a mentor. The Someone Gets Me Experience could be that perfect solution to bringing your heart's desire into reality. You will grow, transform and connect. https://msdianneallen.com/someone-gets-me-experience/

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Follow Dianne’s Facebook Page: Dianne A. Allen: https://www.facebook.com/msdianneallen.

Email contact: [email protected]

Dianne’s Mentoring Services: https://msdianneallen.com

Website: https://www.visionsapplied.com

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