Next Episode: Singing in the rain

In this episode of "Someone Gets Me" with Dianne Allen, we delve into the art of crafting your life as a masterpiece. Dianne explores the common experiences of overthinking, self-doubt, and the constant pressure to be perfect. She shares insightful perspectives on how to embrace your true potential and break free from the inner nag that often holds us back.

Discover the power of self-acceptance, faith in the natural flow of life, and the importance of being pliable. Dianne encourages you to say "yes" to opportunities and learn along the way, emphasizing that every experience and emotion is an essential ingredient in the grand tapestry of your life.

Join Dianne in this enlightening discussion and embark on a journey towards creating your own unique life masterpiece. You'll find inspiration, compassion, and a fresh outlook on your journey to self-discovery. Tune in and learn how to let go of the nagging doubts and pressures that have been holding you back, and start painting your life's beautiful tapestry.

Overthinking and Self-Doubt: Dianne talks about the common experience of overthinking, over-planning, and being stuck in one's head due to self-doubt.

Creating a Masterpiece: She emphasizes the idea that each person's life is a masterpiece in the making, a work of art that combines both challenging and uplifting experiences.

The Inner Nag: Dianne refers to the "inner nag," which is the critical voice in our heads that often holds us back by focusing on our shortcomings and instilling self-doubt.

Self-Acceptance: Dianne promotes self-acceptance as a way to move forward and grow, highlighting the importance of accepting oneself with all their imperfections.

Linear vs. Circular Thinking: Dianne discusses the difference between linear and circular thinking, suggesting that life is more cyclical and seasonal than linear.

Embracing Opportunities: She encourages listeners to say "yes" to opportunities and learn along the way, even if they feel unprepared initially.

Releasing Pressure: Dianne advises releasing the pressure we put on ourselves to allow for spontaneity and flexibility.

Enjoying the Journey: Dianne encourages listeners to enjoy the beauty of the journey, to accept themselves for where they are, and to let go of striving too hard.

Get ready to embrace the artist within and craft a life that's truly extraordinary. Don't miss this thought-provoking episode of "Someone Gets Me"!


You have a vision inside to create something bigger than you. What you need is a community and a mentor. Personal mentoring will inspire you to grow, transform and connect in new ways. The Someone Gets Me Experience could be that perfect solution to bringing your heart's desire into reality. You will grow, transform, and connect.

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