Kind actions are anything we do to make a person’s life easier or happier without expecting a reward.  Kind actions show concern and caring.  When we show kindness in our family, we’re helping one another feel loved.  When people feel loved, they can more easily show kindness to others.

Our kind actions come from our thoughts--the desires we have to be good and loving.  At the end of each day we should think, “How closely did my actions today match my good intentions to be kind?”  Being aware of our actions will help us improve them day by day, until we become truly kind in thought, word, and deed.

Discussion for the Family about the Short Story:

1.  Do you think each young person wanted to win?

2.  When one boy stumbled, what did the runners do? 

3.  If you were a runner that day, do you think you would have stopped?  Why or why not?


1. Answer these questions:

∙ If someone in my family is unkind to me, am I unkind to them to get even?

∙ Do my actions show that I love my family?

2.  Do at least one kind thing for each family member during the coming week.  Anonymous acts of kindness are even more special.

3.  If you wish, read the Additional Solution for Success: Giving and Receiving Affection.


Mentioned on the Show:

Solutions for Families


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