A Family Mission Statement is like a family constitution.  It is a statement of your beliefs and your goals as a family.  It is the definition of the course you want your family to take.  Once you have that sense of direction, you can set your long and short-term goals.  You have the vision and values that direct your lives.

Like all families, your family needs to have a clear understanding of where you are going.  When you follow a plan, each day will be in harmony with the vision you have of your lives.  The steps you take will be in the right direction--toward your personal and family goals.

Define your goals.  As a family decide together what you really want to accomplish.  If you don’t define your goals, you can get caught up in the “busyness” of life and forget the things which really matter most to you.  A great way to start is to create a Family Mission Statement.


Mentioned in on the Show:

Ask Paula Anything Call 


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