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Meditation, aided meditation, divinity, meditationtraining, pranahuti, rajayoga, realhappiness, spirituality, yoga

B: God was there, and I was also here; but, he did not help me at all. God was there but when guru came in the field, he helped me. So he's greater. God was also there, he didn't help. Of course, he gave me such a good Master, for that I am grateful. A: There is much ritual worship, it is quite empty, but some people go to church or temple to offer prayers, can they still keep this old religion and practise Sahaj Marg too ? B:    Perform any rituals, or go to the church, it is not harmful. But to me, my Master was the only church and the temple and God and everything. That I say for myself. A: Good. B: Keeping picture of any saint is not bad, but to be attentive to it is bad. Because you are direct. At that time when you meditate, you are direct, related to God in a way. You are thinking of God alone, and there must not be two things. The power will be divided. Do you follow? A: Yes. B: Here of course a saint, and here I am meditating on God. The power will be divided, both sides. It should be one only. Am I clear ? A: Yes     B: We should really try to, that the power may run to the Almighty, to the feet of Almighty. One thought. A: Should a person try to follow the example of a saint or should he just try to attach himself to God and that's all? B:    We should try to catch the character of a certain saint, if he is really a saint. Outways things, that he is leading such a life and such a thing. That is all. Or masters character, if he is of that category, anyway, suppose a man has got very good character, very good, civilised he is. - Now we should copy it. Outwardly way. Good things should always be copied. Whether it belongs to you or it belongs to him or to myself.