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-Pranahuti Aided Meditation.

 Key Benefits:

    Greater harmony in all walks of life
    All round happiness and peace not only to oneself but all around
    A life of contentment and total dedication to the cause of humanity in general.

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A: You call the Nature,'her', I have seen that in "Thus Speaks" the little booklet. You call the nature 'her'.
B: Nature her?
A: Yes.
B: (Hindi: What does it mean?)
A: What do you mean by it?
A: As God, always you call God 'him'. You call nature 'her'.
A: (Hindi: Good ), using the word female for nature.
A: God is always described as masculine. So can we call nature a feminine, 'her', 'she', use the word 'she' for nature?
B: Nature 'her' is also used, in English 'it' is also used, both are correct. Which is right, that I cannot say. Both things are used.
A: Maybe, we may
B: Nature really means manifestation. Nature to my mind is manifestation of God. It is not a real god. But I also, I use this word for God also. I use this word for God also. Nature.
Really it is manifestation, it is my idea.
A: God and nature is the same thing?
B: Well I use sometimes nature, in that word. I might have written with capital I don't know.
A: But when you talk about the nature as the manifestation of God, then you call it 'her' ?
B: 'Her', yes, anything you call it will be right.

    Really, we want a man who may give us method for the achievement, that's all. All of you know these are the bad thing, these are the good things, everybody knows. But the method which may take up to the good things. That we require. Never mind if anybody of any place may give that. Some method ?..