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-Pranahuti Aided Meditation.

 Key Benefits:

    Greater harmony in all walks of life
    All round happiness and peace not only to oneself but all around
    A life of contentment and total dedication to the cause of humanity in general.

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    But there is one difficulty. How to acquire these things, this nobody says. Even Krishna has not said. Rama has not said. Christ has not said. Of course he said prayer. Well I agree. But by simply prayer you cannot get everything. There must be some other thing also. A: Did he tell to meditate too? B: There is some, there should be some movement from your side. Some movement towards Him. A: Did Christ tell to meditate too? B: Meditation of course he might have prescribed. I have not seen the whole of the bible, because letters are very small. Sermon on the Mount I have read, and a few pages here and there. A:ˇ ˇ I have some explanation for this, I may be wrong. Because I believe Christ and all of those they were reformers. They probably didn't want, they were not interested in making people spiritually high but making people good man so that he may make a good society. B: Yes A: They were social you mean ? A: Social reformers, yes. B: That is correct. And here there are reformers, Shankaracharya, Ramanuji, and so many, they are all, I call them reformers. A: And later on it becomes a religion. B: Afterwards, after Christ it developed as a religion. A:ˇ ˇ I mean, he didn't teach anybody meditation, to rise spiritually high. If you are a good man you should not steal, thou shalt not do this or that, you may be a good man. A good member of the society. So they were more concerned with ethical part of it, rather than spiritual.     Am I right Babuji? B: Yes, yes.