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Pujya Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj ( Babuji ) of Shahjahanpur, UP India



B:    So I said to an American gentleman, he was very happy with my transmission. Then I said, "I do not make disciple Whoever comes from India makes you, tries to make you disciple. But I have come here not to make you disciple but to make you masters". He appreciated very much.    I said ... that when you are in need of spirituality, you will look towards India. I said, "This gap should be filled." You'll have your own man in your own country, why you should go to India for that purpose? And I am doing it. He said, "Such a broad minded man I've never seen in my life". And it is a real fact, not only policy or something. No I don't adopt any policy. A: You see, in America there's lots of people, that unless they pay they don't appreciate. B: Yes. I'm telling you, I guessed somehow, nobody told me, I guessed that this is the thing because I did not accept any money. Only accepted, I accepted few dollars, 5 or 6. And he has given me the present by seeing my eyes. . . . . So that was the reward. In other words. That, of course, he sent through his servant or somebody to . . . .    So I said to, to Parthasarathi, this is my reading, and correct. Unless you accept the money, they will say, "Oh these are the people, come and go and think themselves to be saint and so on". But now, my talk was over.