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B: I think you have got

Then we will read my quotation about kundalini. There it is given with diagram. And here in tantric literature, they say so many things about kundalini. A man can fly, a man can do this thing, this miracle, everything. I don't care, only two, three things are there. Nothing of the sort.

A: Why do people aspire for kundalini?

B: Well, when they commit so many mistakes, one of the mistakes is also, is this also.


I never aspired for kundalini. I did not know even that my kundalini is awakened. Of course, I suspected only, that's all. But Master said, "You've awakened kundalini of this person". Then I came to know I've got power, my kundalini is also awakened. Then I came to know for certain.

A: I guess, at a certain state, it gets awakened automatically.

B: Automatically also. So there is a case of that sort also. When it starts automatically, there is a pain. And I suffered from this pain for 2-3 years. Not all the time, sometimes a vein, a vein ..., in doing something like that and it produces pain. I am going and I got the pain immediately.

A: Where do you get the pain?

B: Here, below the navel.

Here I got it. In this way I begin to study. Sometimes I'm going. In the office I'm going out and I felt there. I immediately got hold of that ... chair and sat, of course 1, 2, 3 minutes after, it was over. And a friend of mine said, "What . • • • pain immediately it started. And gone also".

So Kasturi was feeling that sort of pain, ...

A: So she …

B: Yes Kasturi was feeling, so I studied and said the pain is here. No not there. Her mother was also there. I said, "Do you feel pain below the navel?" (Hindi: She said), "Yes". Then her mother said, "Well, I go to the doctor for this purpose". (Hindi: I said), "Please don't go". And immediately, it was prepared, immediately I touched it, and it was awakened, there was no pain at all. Not this type of pain that you cannot bear. Of course to a certain extent it was unbearable, in my case. To a certain extent.