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A:   How long time, if you practise every day, does it go when you come from one knot to another knot ? B: Well I'm telling you, the whole realisation only require, just moving the neck, Just move the neck and realisation is there. But you must not come back, jump into it, into Him. Jump into the realm of God, and don't come back. That's all. So one minute, hardly one minute. A: No I mean from one knot, you have to go through all these knots. B:   So knots, these are the plexes or centres. I have dealt the same thing in several ways. It is very easy, not at all difficult, very easy, but preparation is needed for that and then work! A: The difficulty is it is so easy. B: Easy, easy, yes. A man asked me the same questions somewhere, I don't know, whether in the West or East, the same question. What was the question ? A: It is so easy. B: Yes, I said something. I forgot my own words. A: A man in the West asked me... B: The West or the East I don't remember.    Difficulty is only that, it is not difficult. That is the only difficulty, that it is not difficult. A: Nah, ja ! B: That is the only difficulty, I mean to say, that it is not difficult. A: You are writing in the biography, autobiography, about we should go beyond easiness and then we come to uneasiness. Is that the same subject as you now...? B: But unless the lines are there ...     Here in this (Hindi: Arranging for food making, there is not any flour, and many people, tells someone his uncle will come, and they should make the fire in a certain place) A: (Danish: Read it aloud).(Ed: Extract from 'The Autobiography of Ram Chandra', on 11th July 1928), "Going beyond easiness is uneasiness. A man becomes conscious when similarity or sameness is disturbed". "The state we acquire by the help of the meditation causes a repulse. When the outgoing tendencies of the mind come in touch with it, or in other words, when the tendencies touch the field of easiness, its opposite is felt. So we should also try to calm down the outgoing tendencies of the mind. I now give you something about uneasiness. If somehow a man can begin to feel easiness in uneasiness then it will not give place to the outgoing tendencies to enter in it". B: It is very difficult to explain. A: Yes, I don't understand. B: Only practice can reveal. (Hindi: Shall we?). A: (Hindi: Yes let us). B: For meditation, are you ready? All of you.