Messages delivered by Spiritual Master and Divine Personality Pujya Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur, UP, India during 1970.


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Episode Notes:


Dinana Song Translation


The song is taken from Soor-Sagar written by Saint SoorDas ji around 15th century. It is written in Brij Bhasha which is more prevalent in Mathura, Gokul, Vrindavan and certain other parts of eastern UP areas. 


Lord removes afflictions of dismals (poor, suffering beings) and is a benefactor (well-wisher) of saints. 


Ajamila (story attached), Geedh (Jatayu), Byadh (Jara, the hunter, who killed Lord Krishna), who was the saint (what saintliness they had) amongst them? 


What Vedas did this Bird (Jatayu) study and even a woman like Ganika (Teaching a parrot to speak the Lord’s Name, Ganika, the prostitute, was liberated) swam across Bhava-Sagar. 

Note: Meditating on Him in remembrance and uttering His name, specially in the last moments of their lives, all aforesaid mentioned individuals were liberated by Lord. 

He (Lord) becomes very happy even to receive simple rice (from Sudama) and gets contended with an offering of mere potherbs (green vegetables) or some edible leaves (from a poor devotee). 


He (Lord) neither counts (take a note of) the already tasted (and then offered to Him) fruits (of Shabri) nor which ones are sweet or sour or tasteless. 


Lord crowned Druva a king and lifted Prahlad out (of the atrocities of Hiranyakashipu). 


Every one remembers Him (Lord) chanting Ram Ram whereas I remember Him as my true Be-Loved. 

Note: Rev. Master Sri Ramchandra Maharaj of Shajahanpur points out a Lover and Be-loved relationship to be more closer to Lord than a devotee and Lord relationship. 

The Story of Ajamila  (Taken from Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto 6) 


Ajamila was raised according to the Vedic regulations. He was a perfectly trained brahmana and had a chaste and beautiful wife. 

But one day, while he was out in the fields collecting flowers for worshipping the Lord, he happened to see a drunken sudra and a prostitute engaged in sexual embrace. Ajamila became bewildered and attracted; his mind becoming more and more attached to the prostitute. In Bhagavad-gita it says that if one contemplates sense objects, he becomes attached to them. Although Ajamila was a strict Brahmana he became helplessly entangled by seeing a man and woman engaged in sexual activity. Consequently he took this prostitute into his home as a maidservant. Inevitably, he became so entangled that he abandoned his family, wife and children and went off with the prostitute. Due to his illicit connection with the prostitute, he lost all his good qualities. He became a thief, a liar, a drunkard, even a murderer. He completely forgot about his original training as a brahmana, and his whole life was ruined. 

Engaging in sinful activities, Ajamila fell down from his position, and he begot many children through the womb of the prostitute. Even towards the end of his life, around the age of eighty, he was still begetting children. It is explained that while he was dying, which is a very fearful time, he began to call out his pet child, whose name was Narayana. At that time, Yamadutas, the messengers of death, were coming. They were tying up the subtle body of Ajamila and preparing to take him to be punished by Yamaraja, the lord of death. At the same time, because he happened to be speaking the holy name of the Lord Narayana, the beautiful Visnudutas, the messengers of Vishnu, also arrived there. They checked the activities of the Yamadutas, refusing to allow them to take Ajamila for punishment. 


The Yamadutas were bewildered. “Why are those effulgent and beautiful personalities checking our action? It’s our duty to take sinful men to Yamaraja for punishment; then they are awarded another material body for the next life so that they can the result of their sinful activity.” There was a discussion between the Yamadutas and the Visnudutas. The conclusion was that although Ajamila was sinful through out his life and gave up his religious life, his wife and children and begot children through a prostitute, he nevertheless was purified from all the sins because at the last moment he chanted the holy name of Vishnu, Narayana. 


Although Ajamila had committed so many sinful deeds, because he chanted the name of Narayana, he was relieved of all sinful activities.