I don’t care about funnels.

You shouldn’t either.

In this episode, I’ll explain how funnels can over complicate your life when you’re ready for them, and how to refine your minimum viable sales mechanism to set yourself up for success.

You’ll Discover The 80/20 funnel rule [1:40] The most important part of any sales mechanism [2:40] Secret sauce of the mini webinar book funnel [3:19] Providing education is not enough to sustain your business [4:30] Build a core foundation before focusing on marketing [6:00]

...And much more!

Helpful Resources

For a full transcript of this episode, visit our blog.

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Want to launch a High Ticket Course to grow your business without adding more work? Watch our brand new webinar.

Interested in working with Joel one-on-one? We’ll deliver a finished mini-webinar funnel to your OR will give you a detailed Game Plan you can go implement yourself – Apply here.

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