It’s been a while since I’ve done a guest interview on this podcast, and I am very excited to share her experience with you.

She is Laura Cowan from the Two-Hour Lifestyle Lawyer.

She has been doing estate planning law and has been successful at it.

Laura decided to launch a coaching business to meet the demands of the new normal in the world of law.

Now, she is teaching other lawyers to replicate her success.

You’ll Discover Your clients just care about the results. [13:48] Clients are also a contributor. They appreciate helping and being part of something being built. [15:58] You will not know things until you get started. [18:10] Work together and recognize that they may have skills you don’t have. [27:19] We don’t grow unless we go outside our comfort zone, and the rewards are endless. [30:50]

...And much more!

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