Jam packed episode alert!

The "Mega-Webinar" Funnel!

I have been doing a ton of recording today within our facebook group, Sold With Webinars. And if you are not already, join our Sold With Webinars facebook group -> Join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/196719864399304/

Today within the group, we had two webinar ad experts appear LIVE.  They donated their time and broke down some of our members ad accounts LIVE. SUPER valuable! 

Then I did a live training - a live breakdown of Dr. Axe's webinar funnel.  And it was a lot of fun! The group got to listen to me watch the webinar live and break it down. Literally everyone got a peek into how my brain operates when I break down webinars for my clients.

Now I am not going to give away all the secrets, but here are some of the things I wanted to share with you now:

Dr. Axe paired up two funnels into one; The "Mega Funnel" was AWESOME; When I build/write webinars I am always crafting the messaging, content and angles.  This is all of your hot, warm, and cold traffic content - USE THIS CONTENT again and again; Repurposed content is what we do -> when you complete your webinar you are also completing content that can be used in different forms and in different places; So many "ah-ha" moments during my live...

I want to inspire you -> WEBINARS can be used in so many places.  You can get so much traction out of one webinar; treat it as fifteen pieces of content, not just one. 

If you want to listen in on the live webinar breakdown of Dr. Axe's webinar, please join our group, The Webinar Vault.  I am offering a 7 day free trial. If it's not for you, just let us know and we will cancel your subscription, no charge, within the first seven days.  Thereafter it is a monthly subscription. 

More details here: www.soldwithwebinars.com 


Please Join Us!

The Webinar Vault:

Sold With Webinars facebook group:  


Experts Unleashed facebook group -- PLUS check out our newest launch, The Perfect Expert
