Have you ever wondered how I discovered the model of the high-ticket course?

Back in 2016, when I was scrolling Facebook, somebody posted a blog.

It was written by Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla.

And it was a huge eye-opener for me..

Interested? Find out here..

You’ll Discover The ascension model. [3:01] The holy grail of Internet marketing. [7:17] It’s easier to sell a high-ticket product first to validate your offer. [7:39] The different tiers of high-ticket courses. [8:27] The discovery of mini-webinars. [9:54]

...And much more!

Helpful Resources

For a full transcript of this episode, visit our blog.

Join our free Facebook group, Million Dollar Course Marketers.

Want the playbook for launching and growing your own course for $2,000 or more? Grab our book High Ticket Courses

Want to launch a High Ticket Course to grow your business without adding more work? Watch our brand new webinar.

Interested in working with Joel one-on-one? We’ll deliver a finished mini-webinar funnel to your OR will give you a detailed Game Plan you can go implement yourself – Apply here.

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