In this episode, Sai Krishna, a serial entrepreneur, who calls himself a metaverse plumber, loves creating interesting applications based on emerging and maturing technologies. In this conversation, he shares

How a decentralized squad model, working with local partners and having an engineering focus for differentiation would help scale and localize, as neededHow to build an organization to realize the vision of the foundersCadence of 2 weeks or 12 weeks, multi-skilled squadsWillingness to learn and time to feedbackA founder’s feelings related to exit decisionsFounder’s formula: have fun, optimize for joyA founder’s job is to make everyone in the team to reflect back and feel the impact of their workMetaverse: hype or old wine or something substantial?Why 3D printing technology underdelivered on its promiseHow finances (and capital)  are critical to help new technologies become practical and increase wide adoptionHow commoditized solutions can trigger a race to the bottom affecting the survivability of a companyImpact of new technologies on the carbon footprintOblivious, brash and corrective : the three stages of companies operating to exploit new and emerging technologiesTips for anyone looking to get deeper into the metaverse ecosystemStep1: understand what variables you want to optimize forFinancial gains, Wealth: building a company is probably the hardestJoy of learning being part of an emerging spaceSolving a problem that itches youFind a reason to resonate with the causeThe market also needs to be readyWould you see it as a decades long journey, 15 hour days.. Yes, not just as an option to make quick moneyCobbling a team of like minded lunatics..If he chose to be in AI because AI is in his name!

Sai has spent more than 9 years in building deep tech startups. He was an early believer and pioneer in the Metaverse, and built & backed startups in the domain. Notably:

- His Virtual & Augmented Reality venture, Scapic was acquired by Walmart/Flipkart

- He backed a venture studio for the Metaverse, Cope. Studio, which was acquired by Polygon/Matic

- His marketplace for Metaverse assets, Reality Tools, was acquired by MotionPage

Sai currently leads Flipkart Labs, where he focuses on new deep tech initiatives such as Camera (Augmented Reality) & Firedrops (NFTs & Web3) in the Walmart Group. He is currently an advisor at Polygon & Polygon Studios. He is alum of Stanford University Graduate School of Business, recipient of the Indian National Startup Awards and a fellowship recipient from Ondeck. 

He's been awarded by organizations such as Facebook, the Global Student Entrepreneur Awards, Wharton and IIM. Sai has delivered 80+ keynotes at international conferences, IIT-Bombay, NSRCEL & more. 

When it's not about work, Sai is quintessentially south Indian, with an affinity to dosas and filter coffee. You can reach out to Sai at [email protected] on anything around building moonshots.