This is part 2 of the conversation celebrating the milestone of 250 episodes, with our guest host Gopalan.

Gopalan was the first guest on the show and agreed to play host and have the hosts as guests!

In part 1, he was exploring aspects related to how the hosts prepare for an episode and how different formats worked for the Software People Stories.

In this part, he continues to explore his curiosity of how the minds of podcast hosts work, in handling planned and unplanned situations.

He asks

Some things that went wrong and what went right.. About similarities of podcast editing and movie makingSome difficult guests, who would veer off topicHow does one stay in the conversation, but stay detachedHandling situations when known persons say things that you do not feel the same way about or know it may not be completely factualHow one would resist the temptation to not get into arguments or negating something that a guest saysSome of the podcasts that Gopal listens to

We hope you enjoyed some of our experiences in bringing you 250 episodes of stories of software people.

We believe that everyone has a story to tell that will inspire or educate others.

When would you like to tell your story?

Or, if you would like to submit somebody else’s story, and be a guest host, please record a sample or the full conversation and share it with us.