In this second part of my conversation, Bill Hall, President of Simulation Studios shares

Some of his professional failures when he was given large responsibilities at a very young ageHow sims enable executives to get a feel for the impact of their decisions and learn from that experienceThe role of software in the simulation exercises he runsA quick walkthrough of how a sim is runAspects of an organization that need to be built into a simulationQualities that would help someone be like BillNo fear of failure or encouraging failure as an opportunity to learnGiving things a go and learning from the experienceHow he communicates with all levels of roles in any organizationHow he understands the context of an organization quicklyUsing butcher paper to spatially and visually organize his thoughtsTaking a break and breathing in nature - to organize thoughts and doing a brain dumpCascading learnings in an organization by training learners to also be trainersRelevance of simulation based tools to enable high performing teams quicklyWhat he readsLimits of simulation

Bill partners with companies and individuals to build highly strategic mindsets resulting in accelerating change. Utilizing business simulations, leadership development, and business coaching, Bill helps shift mindsets and build skillsets resulting in driving positive change more quickly and with less friction. Currently President of Simulation Studios, Bill closely partners with companies and people in all types of corporate development scenarios. Bill has successfully worked for and with companies such as Apple, Sony, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Korn Ferry, Caterpillar, Sephora, and many more. Prior to Simulation Studios, Bill managed Skype’s global strategic software business, was in executive marketing roles at AOL and Nortel, and enjoyed working with Steve Jobs on various strategic projects during his 15+ years working with Apple where he was a five-time Apple MVP, and a Golden Apple Award winner. Bill authored a #1 Training and Development Amazon best-selling book, been featured in major publications and podcasts, and earned an MBA in Entrepreneurship and a Strategy Execution certificate from Harvard Business School. Bill spends the majority of his time with his family in the San Francisco Bay Area.


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