In this episode, I continue the conversation with Steven Aberle, founder of a company in stealth mode, working on domain aware, large language model based processing for very niche applications.

In the previous episode, Steven spoke about his origin story and also how he got into and some of the technical challenges related to a domain aware large language model solution - and his patent in that area.

He continues to share about

How the same engine can still retain some originality and uniquenessHow updates to the base model can happen, to mature the model over timeHow ingesting content from various sources is becoming easier with APIsThen the reverse podcast starts! The questions are Steven’s and responses are mineSteven asked about where young companies could go wrongFounders’ passionChemistry with the investorsScaling too fastHis own trigger to jump into this venture.. That it was born out of hating some of the persistent pain points in the area of workHis philosophy of ‘what you do is what you are’Fremen culture - from DuneThe importance of being frugal during the startup phase and being funded by customersHis experience of playing a CEO role; the moment when he made the decision and support from his familyYou must take care of the people in the community you are trying create and be fanatic about solving their problemsHis personal practices to stay calmNot measuring success only by monetary standards

Steven Aberle is the Co-Founder of The Rohirrim, a start-up bringing Domain-Aware Generative AI to the Enterprise. He has 18 years of leadership and executive-level technology capacities and is a recognized expert in unstructured data processing at scale. Steve holds the patent for Domain-Aware Generative AI, Generative Stitching and Vector-Attributable Large Language Models.