Episode Sub-Title: Living the Product Leaders’  Dream

In conversation with Product Management Leader, Krupa Natarajan where her software experiences with Gayatri From PM Power Consulting on her journey

Started technology journey with fervor to learn and curiosity about Technology

Transformed her thinking during the dot com bust to understand value delivered by her and for the customer

Established a career as a product leader after spending many years in the engineering side

Engineering driven products have made our life smoother, as a product leader I see what else is possible?

Product needs to fit in the users’ ecosystem and life completely.. Else the product wouldn’t stay in the market

Understanding of 3 levels of users in the enterprise and creating a value prop early and continuously has been valuable

In the consumption driven software economy, you will be outdated quickly if you don’t adapt

Living the product manager’s dream as one doesn’t have to worry about maintaining number of versions or having a perfect feature set due to the shipping constraints.  

Its liberating to know that one can make small changes and see how user reacts and hence take several small bets along the way and has become less risk averse

Staying in the wave of technology enablers and providing the needed features for enterprise customers has been quite enriching

Consumers have more gadgets today than a CEO of the organisation. Envisions that would change and AI will be given in everything that we do

Always ensuring that you wow people’s expectations beyond their dreams and out of the box and not just meet or exceed them doesn’t cut work. This has been her guiding principle 

Krupa can be reached at https://www.linkedin.com/in/krupanatarajan/ 

Gayatri can be contacted at https://www.linkedin.com/in/gaya3k/