In this conversation, Nimisha Mukherjee, Engineering Manager at RedHat, shares her stories and experiences with Chitra Gurjar from PM Power Consulting about -

How she fell in love with computers in class 3

First lessons in user interaction design 

Tips on how to get users to change a habit or become familiar with a new design

Supporting the new age developer & development environments

The evolving role of a developer and developers as first customers

Blue sky opportunities for designing experiences 

Lessons for aspiring techies and designers

Nimisha Mukherjee is an Engineering Manager with Red Hat. Her team works on delivering a simplified developer experience for building cloud native application on Red Hat OpenShift. She has 18+ years of experience in delivering cutting edge web applications. She always enjoyed building user interfaces that provides a differential user experience. She was one of the design track chairs for GHCI (, 2016-2018.

She was curated the Devtools track for DevConf.IN 2019. She loves to explore new places and new cuisines.