This episode is an accompaniment and  a broad spectrum exploration of experiences and narratives as collated by Sivaguru from PM Power consulting, during conversations with people across IT/Software and Non-IT businesses on how they responded to the needs of business with covid-19 changing the environment.
The complete report is available here (
This episode, a conversation between Sivaguru & Chitra, delves into and across the findings shared in the report. The exploration includes -
- Backstories in preparations for changes caused by the pandemic 
- What really happened even when a few large companies had a BCP in place
- What was the thinking behind the unravelling of responses of companies in a series of phases comprising sensing, focus and response
- How did leaders ensure that rallying around a purpose was achieved, remotely and how were employees engaged and how their work rose to another level inspired by a greater purpose
- Creative approaches to sustaining or managing business 
- The sense that a collective approach to discovering easier, safer things to share & increased empathy alongside the survival instinct
- Though we all appear to be alone, we are certainly not alone; a contrast and take on how we associate ourselves with a mission and purpose and how the system in turn supports people and organizations.
We would love to hear from you and your experiences. Please reach out to us at [email protected]
Please also see this blog for an overview of the report