Sivaguru from PM Power Consulting is speaking with Badri Narayanan, Vice President of HCL Technologies Ltd
Geography and culture aspects of IT delivery plays a critical role in not just UX/UD
Communication/ project mgmt and various inter dependencies
Roll mapping of local talent in critical roles and having close business relationship are key things to put in play for long term success
Bridging cultural differences in Japan was around having additional business analysts with bi lingual capability to understand specs and pair program with the developers to ensure gaps are reduced
German teams needed accuracy in functionality as much as the accompanying documentation
Change in expectations in IT landscape with integrated business & IT
Several changes have happened from owning small functions in y2k to smaller SDLC parts to owning entire app stack we have grown quite a bit
Digital tsunami needs dual crossing with owning IT and making IT more valuable
IT Decision are continuous and not be outsourced to only a nuanced role
Conscious relearning is required to re-equip ourselves in the new digital world in terms of technology and soft skills
Business outcomes would need to be innovation led and internal teams/systems need to be delivery/engineering led - Dual engine 
Learnings from failure and crystalize them to the next level seems to be the way forward to accelerate the art and marry the engineering discipline