In this conversation Shravan, a Doctoral student, shares his thoughts and experiences with Sivaguru from PM Power Consulting, related to
How a comic strip triggered curiosity to explore software development
How writing software is like solving puzzles
His interest in security aspects while programming
His initial personal projects
Where one can get problems or ideas to take up research in the realm of security
Vulnerabilities related to the software supply chain
How verified programming as a technique is still nascent
The evolving concept of software sandboxing
Power demands of complex computing, such as bitcoin mining and IoT devices
Some research into saving power on android phones
The possibilities of 5G
The eroom’s law and increasingly complex algorithms
How quantum computing can help in compute intensive areas such as drug discovery
Applications of AI for social or societal problems
Technology fighting technology for good [such as anti-virus]
On offensive security
His thoughts on taking up IT as a career or field of study / research
Shravan Narayan is 4th year PhD student in the fields of computer security and programming languages at the University of California San Diego. He spends his time working on how to safely include untrusted buggy code in large applications through the use of memory isolation, colloquially called sandboxing. Before this, he worked at Microsoft for three years in Redmond, Washington as a software engineer in the windows update team. His non computer science hobbies include playing the tabla and speed solving Rubik's cubes.