There’s a couple kubernetes announcements this week: we mostly talk about Pivotal’s, and a tad on IBM. Plus, maybe scooters are actually good for cities and compiling source code for your infrastructure software is probably a bad idea. Don’t @ us.
Buy Coté’s book dirt cheap (!
Mood Board:
Evil Hodor is cancelled.
Must be this short to ride free.
The full mullet of monitoring.
There is no nuance to this statement.
Just keep using VMware.
If you’re compiling the source code, you’re gonna have problems.
LAMP stack.
Tell me how to do what I want, not why I can’t do it.
Relevant to your interests
Pivotal kubernetes stuff (, alpha of running all the stuff on Kubernetes (PKS), Pivotal’s JRE/Tomcat product now GA.
“PAS on Kubernetes is packaged as a tile for Ops Manager, and uses BOSH to deploy its system components. It requires vSphere, NSX-T, and Enterprise PKS. “ (“Tile” is Pivotal speak for “feature/sub-system/plugin/extension/component/product/etc.”)
Good summary from NL coverage (
Build Service: Easily automates container images for developers and offers companies audit and security controls that are needed to work with confidence on a large scale. Build Service is made possible by the CNCF Cloud-Native Buildpacks project and is co-developed by Pivotal.
RabbitMQ for Kubernetes: Automates the implementation and management of RabbitMQ. In addition, RabbitMQ is configurable and offers a self-service experience for developers;
Service Mesh: Automates the installation and configuration of Istio. This allows developers to drop apps to production quickly and safely. In addition, it provides secure networks that businesses need.
Spring Runtime: It offers comprehensive support for Java environments, including OpenJDK, Spring Support and Apache Tomcat.
The New Stack: The Pivotal Application Service Addresses Kubernetes Complexity (
Pretty good summary ( of Pivotal Cloud Foundry as a whole: “Pivotal Application Service is a software application development platform based on the open-source Cloud Foundry project, which provides a range of clouds, developer frameworks and app services to work with. The idea is to make it easier for developers to build, test, deploy and scale up their apps on a variety of cloud platforms.”
Taft ( “This reflects an important strategic shift by Pivotal to acknowledge the importance of Kubernetes as an integral component of customers' application modernization programs, said Charlotte Dunlap, an analyst at GlobalData in Santa Cruz, Calif.”
Jeffrey Hammond, Forrester ( "For a while I've spoken to enterprises that are worried that they have to make a choice: PAS and Cloud Foundry, or go with Kubernetes and give up what they like about PAS. This makes it possible to keep what they like about PAS and work at a higher level of abstraction, without worrying about somehow missing out on all the innovation going on in the Kubernetes world."
IBM kubernetes stuff (, at OSCON.
‘Appsody is pitched as allowing developers to quickly create microservices to their organisation’s standards and requirements, using pre-configured stacks and templates for “popular open source runtimes and frameworks, providing a foundation to build applications for Kubernetes and Knative deployments.”’
‘Codewind, is a project to provide extensions to IDEs, starting with VS Code, Eclipse and Eclipse Che, to allow them to be used to build containerised applications.’
‘As for Kabanero, this aims to bring together projects like Knative, Istio and Tekton, along with Codewind, Appsody, and Razzee, to allow users to “architect, build, deploy, and manage the lifecycle of Kubernetes-based applications.” The project includes “pre-built deployments to Kubernetes and Knative (using Operators and Helm charts)…so, developers can spend more time developing scalable applications and less time understanding infrastructure.”’
For Digital Transformers, It's About Fast-Moving Data. Here Are Three Ways to Speed Up (
The Google Cloud Developer's Cheat Sheet (
IBM's Last Report Without Red Hat Was a Mixed Bag (
Bulgaria Beat: Data of Nearly Every Adult in Bulgaria Likely Stolen in Cyberattack (
Apple is reportedly planning to pay for exclusive podcasts ( Hot-take: 🙄
IBM and Microsoft get milly-ons from AT&T for cloud stuff:
IBM ( ‘As part of the agreement announced Tuesday, AT&T will use Red Hat’s open-source platform to manage workloads and applications and “better serve” enterprise customers. AT&T and IBM will also team up on developing “edge computing platforms” that harness 5G networks and internet-connected devices.’
Microsoft ( Office 365, plus: “Beyond AT&T’s own internal use of Microsoft technology, the companies are working together on developing tools for artificial intelligence and high-speed 5G wireless, and plan to announce additional services later this year.”
Also, coverage from Tim Anderson at ( The Register (
Google Maps now displays bike-sharing stations worldwide ( - cities’ traffic planning and management is fully disrupted, really. They (well, meaning us via taxes) have to suck up the capital costs and upset people while the usual tech people skim data for advertising profits. Plus, you know, we get really good transportation options. See opening prattle.
Computer password inventor dies aged 93 (, meanwhile, Turing to be on 50 pound note (
IBM Takes A Hands Off Approach With Red Hat ( “Given that it has been a decade and only 20 percent of the workloads have moved, there is a lot that is going to stay private and on premises, and we need a way to operate in all of these environments as opposed to having different siloes that can’t and have skills fungibility across all of them.”
Symantec share price nose dives after rumored Broadcom biz gobble taken off the menu (
Judge shoots down Oracle protest over $10B JEDI cloud contract, leaving Amazon and Microsoft as finalists (
Amazon’s Latest Experiment: Retraining Its Work Force ( “The e-commerce giant said Thursday that it planned to spend $700 million to retrain about a third of its American workers to do more high-tech tasks, an acknowledgment that advances in technology are remaking jobs in nearly every industry — and that workers will need to adapt or risk being left behind.”
Hot dog fan? You can now stay in a 27-foot long Wienermobile on Airbnb (
Follow-up: there is some newer Lovecraft stuff out there (!
This episode is sponsored by SolarWinds ® and one of their APM tools: Loggly .
To try it FREE for 14 days just go to
TrackJS is an engineer-owned cloud service that gives you visibility to client-side issues.
Try it free at (
Conferences, et. al.
ALERT! DevOpsDays Discount - DevOpsDays MSP (, August 6th to 7th, $50 off with the code SDT2019 (
2019, a city near you: The 2019 SpringOne Tours are posted ( Coté will be speaking at many of these, hopefully all the ones in EMEA. They’re free and all about programming and DevOps things. Coming up in: San Francisco (June 4th & 5th), Atlanta (June 13th & 14th)…and back to a lot of US cities.
Cloud Expo Asia ( Singapore, Oct 9th and 10th
DevOpsDays Sydney 2019 (, October 10th and 11th
Recommended Jobs from Listeners
Check out GO CARDLESS (
Senior Software Engineer, Delivery Platform ( Netflix.
Senior Software Engineer, Resilience Engineering ( Netflix.
Chef - Community Manager (
Platform Operations Engineer ( Aspect.
Come work at Pivotal (
Matt Ray’s How to Resume’: Slides ( and Talk (
SDT news & hype
Join us in Slack (
Send your postal address to [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) and we will send you free laptop stickers!
Follow us on Twitter (, Instagram ( or LinkedIn (
Listen to the Software Defined Interviews Podcast ( Check out the back catalog (
Brandon built the Quick Concall iPhone App ( and he wants you to buy it for $0.99.
Use the code SDT to get $20 off Coté’s book, ( Digital WTF (, so $5 total.
Brandon: Secrets of Sand Hill Road (; How To Raise Money from a Venture Investor (; How To Understand And Choose a Venture Investor (
Coté: Gillette Foamy Regular Shave Foam, 2 oz, 56g ( The little, metal red bottle. Available at Target, etc.
Outro: “softwaredefinedsong,” ( *[charleswhollien](*

There’s a couple kubernetes announcements this week: we mostly talk about Pivotal’s, and a tad on IBM. Plus, maybe scooters are actually good for cities and compiling source code for your infrastructure software is probably a bad idea. Don’t @ us.

Buy Coté’s book dirt cheap!

Mood Board:

Evil Hodor is cancelled.
Must be this short to ride free.
The full mullet of monitoring.
There is no nuance to this statement.
Just keep using VMware.
If you’re compiling the source code, you’re gonna have problems.
LAMP stack.
Tell me how to do what I want, not why I can’t do it.

Relevant to your interests

Pivotal kubernetes stuff, alpha of running all the stuff on Kubernetes (PKS), Pivotal’s JRE/Tomcat product now GA.

“PAS on Kubernetes is packaged as a tile for Ops Manager, and uses BOSH to deploy its system components. It requires vSphere, NSX-T, and Enterprise PKS. “ (“Tile” is Pivotal speak for “feature/sub-system/plugin/extension/component/product/etc.”)
Good summary from NL coverage:

Build Service: Easily automates container images for developers and offers companies audit and security controls that are needed to work with confidence on a large scale. Build Service is made possible by the CNCF Cloud-Native Buildpacks project and is co-developed by Pivotal.
RabbitMQ for Kubernetes: Automates the implementation and management of RabbitMQ. In addition, RabbitMQ is configurable and offers a self-service experience for developers;
Service Mesh: Automates the installation and configuration of Istio. This allows developers to drop apps to production quickly and safely. In addition, it provides secure networks that businesses need.
Spring Runtime: It offers comprehensive support for Java environments, including OpenJDK, Spring Support and Apache Tomcat.

The New Stack: The Pivotal Application Service Addresses Kubernetes Complexity.
Pretty good summary of Pivotal Cloud Foundry as a whole: “Pivotal Application Service is a software application development platform based on the open-source Cloud Foundry project, which provides a range of clouds, developer frameworks and app services to work with. The idea is to make it easier for developers to build, test, deploy and scale up their apps on a variety of cloud platforms.”
Taft: “This reflects an important strategic shift by Pivotal to acknowledge the importance of Kubernetes as an integral component of customers' application modernization programs, said Charlotte Dunlap, an analyst at GlobalData in Santa Cruz, Calif.”
Jeffrey Hammond, Forrester: "For a while I've spoken to enterprises that are worried that they have to make a choice: PAS and Cloud Foundry, or go with Kubernetes and give up what they like about PAS. This makes it possible to keep what they like about PAS and work at a higher level of abstraction, without worrying about somehow missing out on all the innovation going on in the Kubernetes world."

IBM kubernetes stuff, at OSCON.

‘Appsody is pitched as allowing developers to quickly create microservices to their organisation’s standards and requirements, using pre-configured stacks and templates for “popular open source runtimes and frameworks, providing a foundation to build applications for Kubernetes and Knative deployments.”’
‘Codewind, is a project to provide extensions to IDEs, starting with VS Code, Eclipse and Eclipse Che, to allow them to be used to build containerised applications.’
‘As for Kabanero, this aims to bring together projects like Knative, Istio and Tekton, along with Codewind, Appsody, and Razzee, to allow users to “architect, build, deploy, and manage the lifecycle of Kubernetes-based applications.” The project includes “pre-built deployments to Kubernetes and Knative (using Operators and Helm charts)…so, developers can spend more time developing scalable applications and less time understanding infrastructure.”’

For Digital Transformers, It's About Fast-Moving Data. Here Are Three Ways to Speed Up.
The Google Cloud Developer's Cheat Sheet.
IBM's Last Report Without Red Hat Was a Mixed Bag.
Bulgaria Beat: Data of Nearly Every Adult in Bulgaria Likely Stolen in Cyberattack.
Apple is reportedly planning to pay for exclusive podcasts. Hot-take: 🙄
IBM and Microsoft get milly-ons from AT&T for cloud stuff:

IBM: ‘As part of the agreement announced Tuesday, AT&T will use Red Hat’s open-source platform to manage workloads and applications and “better serve” enterprise customers. AT&T and IBM will also team up on developing “edge computing platforms” that harness 5G networks and internet-connected devices.’
Microsoft: Office 365, plus: “Beyond AT&T’s own internal use of Microsoft technology, the companies are working together on developing tools for artificial intelligence and high-speed 5G wireless, and plan to announce additional services later this year.”
Also, coverage from Tim Anderson at The Register.

Google Maps now displays bike-sharing stations worldwide - cities’ traffic planning and management is fully disrupted, really. They (well, meaning us via taxes) have to suck up the capital costs and upset people while the usual tech people skim data for advertising profits. Plus, you know, we get really good transportation options. See opening prattle.
Computer password inventor dies aged 93, meanwhile, Turing to be on 50 pound note.
IBM Takes A Hands Off Approach With Red Hat: “Given that it has been a decade and only 20 percent of the workloads have moved, there is a lot that is going to stay private and on premises, and we need a way to operate in all of these environments as opposed to having different siloes that can’t and have skills fungibility across all of them.”
Symantec share price nose dives after rumored Broadcom biz gobble taken off the menu.
Judge shoots down Oracle protest over $10B JEDI cloud contract, leaving Amazon and Microsoft as finalists.
Amazon’s Latest Experiment: Retraining Its Work Force: “The e-commerce giant said Thursday that it planned to spend $700 million to retrain about a third of its American workers to do more high-tech tasks, an acknowledgment that advances in technology are remaking jobs in nearly every industry — and that workers will need to adapt or risk being left behind.”


Hot dog fan? You can now stay in a 27-foot long Wienermobile on Airbnb.
Follow-up: there is some newer Lovecraft stuff out there!



This episode is sponsored by SolarWinds ® and one of their APM tools: Loggly .

To try it FREE for 14 days just go to


TrackJS is an engineer-owned cloud service that gives you visibility to client-side issues.

Try it free at

Conferences, et. al.

ALERT! DevOpsDays Discount - DevOpsDays MSP, August 6th to 7th, $50 off with the code SDT2019.
2019, a city near you: The 2019 SpringOne Tours are posted. Coté will be speaking at many of these, hopefully all the ones in EMEA. They’re free and all about programming and DevOps things. Coming up in: San Francisco (June 4th & 5th), Atlanta (June 13th & 14th)…and back to a lot of US cities.
Cloud Expo Asia Singapore, Oct 9th and 10th
DevOpsDays Sydney 2019, October 10th and 11th

Recommended Jobs from Listeners

Check out GO CARDLESS.
Senior Software Engineer, Delivery Platform Netflix.
Senior Software Engineer, Resilience Engineering Netflix.
Chef - Community Manager.
Platform Operations Engineer Aspect.
Come work at Pivotal.
Matt Ray’s How to Resume’: Slides and Talk.

SDT news & hype

Join us in Slack.
Send your postal address to [email protected] and we will send you free laptop stickers!
Follow us on Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn
Listen to the Software Defined Interviews Podcast. Check out the back catalog.
Brandon built the Quick Concall iPhone App and he wants you to buy it for $0.99.
Use the code SDT to get $20 off Coté’s book, Digital WTF, so $5 total.


Brandon: Secrets of Sand Hill Road; How To Raise Money from a Venture Investor; How To Understand And Choose a Venture Investor.
Coté: Gillette Foamy Regular Shave Foam, 2 oz, 56g. The little, metal red bottle. Available at Target, etc.

Outro: “softwaredefinedsong,” *[*charleswhollien](*.*

Sponsored By:

TrackJS: TrackJS is an engineer-owned cloud service that gives you visibility to client-side issues. Try it free at Promo Code: SDTSolarWinds: This episode is sponsored by SolarWinds and one of their web APM tools: Loggly. It’s scalable cloud-based log management that won’t break the bank. Learn more or try it FREE for 14 days. Just go to

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